
Image of a woman in a helmet with claws

Psypaths provides the gamer the background description and all the mental powers at the fingertips of the Psychokinetic individual who has the ability to manipulate the physical world by mere thought! Elementalists, Empaths Environmentalists, Kinetipaths, Mentaphyisicists, and Metaphysicists all can manipulate the very fabric of existence using the described Mental Manipulations within this book.

Mental Manipulation: Lightning Storm

Duration: instantaneous

Effective range: 500 meters

Location Affected: 50 meter diameter sphere

Psypoint Cost: 49

Manipulation Time: 7 increments

Resistance Roll: ½

Lightning Storm creates a violent turbulence in the air above the area of effect that emits a number of bright blue to white, electrically charged balls of plasma that erupt and shower onto the ground. Within the area of effect, all creatures suffer 6 to 60 points of combined thermal and electrical damage. A successful resistance roll results in only half damage. In addition 1 large plasma ball per skill mastery level above 7 materialize within the area of effect. The Environmentalist can individually target these at specific opponents the Environmentalist must roll to hit the targets. If specific targets are not designated the targets are randomly selected. Each larger burst causes 35 points of damage on impact (no resistance roll). Any creature within 4 meters of impact suffers 35 points of thermal damage (half to damage if their resistance roll is successful).

Image of an anthropomorphized warrior rat


This Character type is a healer and has special mental powers that develop as the Character gains experience. An Empath is interested in the ebb and flow of life and death. Empaths utilize their mental control to manipulate organic and cellular structures.

Empaths tend to believe in Order over Entropy as they seek to heal damaged life forms.

Empaths are non-combative, use only defensive weapons when pressed to do so, and will seek to immobilize attackers. But they are not fools and will resort to offensive attacks when self-preservation is apparent. They do not wear armor of any kind.

An Empath requires the minimum scores of the following abilities: Health: 12, Personal Magnetism: 11, Intuition: 13.

Image of a woman in leather with a mask jumping through the air


A Kinetipath is interested in the motion and spatial relationships of energies (both mental and physical). They are very active and fidgity. Flitting about, testing the limits of Newtonian Physics as it pertains to space, time, and motion.

Kinetipaths cannot use powered weapons and armor as the electromagnetic fields of such devices so near their persons interfere with their innate mental forces as well as inhibit their abilities to use their martial arts skills. They can use conventional weapons and non-metal/non-bulky armors. Their main strengths are their disciplined physical body attacks and ability to manipulate the motions of organic and inorganic molecules with their minds. These powers gain strength as the Kinetipath gains levels.

Kinetipaths tend to either follow the precepts of Order or Entropy as far as their base philosophy of meaning in the universe.

A Kinetipath requires the minimum scores of the following abilities: Prowess: 13, Agility: 13, Intuition: 13, and a Health: 13.

Image of a sorcerous casting a spell


An Environmentalist is interested in the flow and intensities of naturally occurring energies (both mental and physical) and their use in preserving and improving the natural surroundings to pre-cataclysmic levels. They mistrust technology because they believe it brings about the destruction of life. Humans must live in harmony with all other life, not control and manipulate it using tools and technology. Science is about observing nature so one can better live within the environment, not for discovering new ways to manipulate and degrade it. They tend, like Empaths, to believe that the forces of Order and Entropy are in a symbiotic relationship allowing for the natural forces to create and destroy animate and inanimate life.

Environmentalist will not use powered weapons and armor. They can use conventional weapons and unenergized metal armors (except ones with lead shielding) but do so only because it is a world with others who will use technology to harm others and Environmentalists need to defend themselves in some manner (as long as the destruction of the environment is not a part of building the armor or weapon). Their main strengths are the ability to manipulate organic and inorganic molecules and energy with their minds. These powers gain strength as the Environmentalist gains levels.

An Environmentalist requires the minimum scores of the following abilities: Agility: 12, Cognition: 15, Intuition: 10, Health: 13.

Image of a sorcerous with a glowing red hand


An Elementalist is interested in the manipulation, flow, and intensity of basic nuclear energies. The combinations and unique qualities of the four basic elements: Air, Earth, Fire, and Water, are the core energies of an Elementalist’s powers.

Elementalists cannot use powered weapons and armor as the electromagnetic fields of such devices so near their persons interfere with their innate mental forces. They can use conventional weapons and unenergized metal armors (except ones with lead shielding) can actually help their mental powers like antenna. Their main strengths are the ability to manipulate light, inorganic molecules and energy with their minds. These powers gain strength as the Elementalist gains ability levels.

An Elementalist requires the minimum scores of the following abilities; Cognition: 15, Health: 12.

Image of a woman with red eyes wearing an ornate helmet


A Mentaphysicist believes control of the flow and intensities of Neuro-Cognitive energies (both mental and physical) are earned by an individual through intense meditation, study, and practice. Their power grew out from humanity’s studies of psychology and sociology and the behaviors of all living things in general.

Mentaphysicists tend to believe in the imposition of Order over Entropy to keep the universe on a stable path towards perfection.

Mentaphysicist cannot use powered weapons and armor as the electromagnetic fields of such devices so near their persons interfere with their innate mental forces. They can use conventional, non-ferrous, weapons and unenergized, non-magnetic (non-ferrous) metal armors. Their main strengths are the ability to manipulate other sentient beings’ cognitive energies with their minds. These powers gain strength as the Mentaphysicist gains levels.

A Mentaphysicist requires the minimum scores of the following abilities: Agility: 13, Cognition: 15, Health: 13.

Image of warrior with glowing tattoos


A Metaphysicist believes the ability to control the flow and intensities of personal spiritual and intuitive energies (both mental and physical) are bestowed upon an individual by the Divine and are earned through intense belief, meditation, study, and faith. They are able to channel the collective energies of the faithful or just the group’s collective intuition and emotions.

They tend to follow the belief in the subjection of Entropy by Order though there are sects of Metaphysicists dedicated to the Great Freeze of Entropy overtaking the universe.

Metaphysicists cannot use powered weapons and armor as the electromagnetic fields of such devices so near their persons interfere with their innate mental forces. They can use conventional armors and weapons and unenergized metal armors (except ones with lead shielding) can actually help their mental powers like antenna. Their main strengths are the ability to persuade the faithful and use the collective energies of individuals to manipulate organic molecules and energy with their minds. These powers gain strength as the Metaphysicist gains ability levels.

A Metaphysicist requires the minimum scores of the following abilities: Personal Magnetism: 13, Intuition: 15, Health: 13.