Player's Manual

Image of an anthropomorphized Dragon warrior


Image of an anthropomorphized lion warrior


Image of a female alien in a spaceship


Psypath Blue


Image of a sorcerous casting a spell


Image of an alien woman in a space craft



Need to find out what species your character is and what special skills they have? Look no further! The Player's Manual has over 80 biotypes to choose from as well as 10 specializations to choose from (except Psypaths, they are so special they got their own book!). Gorrillan, Human, Parrotoid, Reptid, Lyonara, Tygrin, Pandara, Arachnoid... the list goes on. Buy the book and see the wondrous biotypes within!


There are ten non-psypathic specializations and five psypathic specializations (see separate book, Psypaths) to choose to play as player characters: Warrior, Warrior-Soldier, Warrior-Survivalist, Thief, Forester, Martial Artist, Engineer, Hacker, and Genetitech.

The six Psypaths are : Elemental, Empath, Environmentalist, Kinetipath, Mentaphysicist, and Metaphysicist.

See brief non-psypathic descriptions below for more information.



This character type’s desire is to become well trained in all forms of combat. They increase in fighting ability as they gain experience. A Warrior requires the minimum scores of the following abilities: Prowess of 12, Agility of 10, Health of 12. A Warrior is interested in fighting for survival. They use their Prowess to fight battles and gain loot. They begin by fighting with their bare hands and then work their way up to the artifact weapons of their ancestors. They believe that they must evolve as Warriors just as the weapons evolved from their predecessors, fists and feet to knives and daggers, swords and bows to guns and rifles, automatic weapons to energy weapons. Thus, at each skill mastery level they will use only that type of weapon to fight with. But they gain bonuses to strike blows and inflict damage as they increase in skill mastery levels. Any type of mutant can be a Warrior.



This character type is well trained in close combat, leadership, tactics and strategy. They increase in ability to attack opponents as they gain experience. A Soldier requires the minimum scores of the following abilities: Prowess of 10, Personal Magnetism of 15, Cognition of 10. A Soldier is interested in the protection and preservation of humanity and follows strict codes of military discipline and honor. They seek to serve civilian populations. They can operate alone or in groups. They are dedicated to mastering their weapons and acquiring more for the protection of society. They always follow strict moral philosophies.

Image of a woman in leather clothes holding two guns


This character type mistrusts all electronic devices as they see them as what brought about the fate of humanity. They are only fighting for their own and their tribe’s survival. By fighting and gaining territory for crops and forage, they increase in their ability to attack opponents as they gain experience.

A Survivalist requires the minimum scores of the following abilities: Strength of 9, Health of 9. A Survivalist is interested in fighting and gaining necessary possessions for survival. They use their strength to fight battles and gain loot. Survivors can be of any character type except Android, Cyborg, and Biomechanoid). They fight for the survival of their own species and nothing more. They are the “original” character specialists that the other types evolved (mutated) from. Their kind has been around from the beginnings after the cataclysm. Most non-mutated Humans are survivalists, though mutants can also be survivalists as well.

Anubis Dog


This character type is well trained in woodland terrain combat,

tactics and strategy and increases in their ability to attack opponents as the character gains experience. A Forester requires minimum scores in the following abilities: Prowess: 9, Intuition: 9. A Forester is interested in preserving and increasing the wilderness areas devastated by the Cataclysm. They use their Prowess to fight battles and to protect and expand the wilderness. They have limited Environmentalist psywave energy but are not as fanatical against technology.

Image of a woman in futuristic clothing.


This character type is a tool creator and is able to repair and construct more complex types of technology as the character gains experience. An Engineer requires the minimum scores of the following abilities: Cognition: 13, Agility: 10. An Engineer is interested in the repair and creation of pre-cataclysmic technologies and inventing new devices.

Engineers are not very effective in close combat. They are much better at constructing effective weapons to be used by others. Like Hackers, they prefer distance weapons where they can get some advantage by using their superior calculating abilities and Agility for pinpointing targets. At high levels this character specialty can become very powerful through creating devices that utilize atomic energy. The bane of Engineers is the lack of a good supply of materials to create with. This is why Engineers take to adventuring. They need material, either to repair or recycle. They cannot create new devices without this necessary material.

Image of a woman with high-tec computer gear holding some kind of tablet


This character type is a sub-specialty of Engineer and Thief. The Hacker is able to infiltrate cybernetic systems and reprogram or rewire them to gain control. Their skills to “hack” into technological artifacts develop as the character gains experience. A Hacker requires the following minimum scores for these abilities: Cognition: 13, Agility: 10 (Needed for rewiring purposes).

A Hacker is interested in acquiring technological devices and gadgets by any means necessary except fairly bartering for them.

A Hacker avoids hand-to-hand combat and will always seek to attack from afar or by stealth or by ordering gadgets they had reprogrammed to fight for them. They will use daggers, short bows, short (thrusting) swords, and distance weapon artifacts like rifles, projectiles, etc.

They can use any type of powered armor that they have reprogrammed but they usually prefer non-bulky armor like leather or plastic (Kevlar) as they like to remain light on their feet and need their agility to Hack into techno gadgets.

They tend to disdain “primitive” technologies like swords, bows, etc., but will use them to survive if necessary—and then discard them once they have acquired better stuff!.

Image of a woman with a purple mohawk in front of a monster


This character type is adept at growing and creating new organisms, and advancing medical procedures. They are able to construct more complex organisms as the character gains experience. A Genetitech requires the minimum scores of the following abilities: Cognition: 13, Agility: 10, Health: 11. A Genetitech is interested in the creation of pre-cataclysmic crop yields and inventing new useful organisms that can be controlled by humans.

Genetitechs are not very effective in close combat. They avoid combat as best as they can. They usually travel with several “pets” like war dogs or trained attack raptors, to protect them. Like Hackers, they prefer distance weapons where they get some advantage using their superior calculating abilities and Agility for pinpointing targets. At high levels, this character type can become very powerful by creating obedient organisms and biochemical agents for their protection. The bane of Genetitechs is a good supply of tools to create with. This is why Genetitechs take to adventuring. They need instruments and a well equipped laboratory to design their creations. They cannot create new organisms without the necessary tools.

Image of a woman with sunglasses holding two swords

Martial Artist

Martial Artists are individuals who disdain technology and technological weapons as they see them as the cause of all the sufferings of life. But they are also are Social Darwinists in that they believe in survival of the fittest, especially amongst sentient beings. This is why they focus all their attentions on the perfection of the body as a weapon. In their view all life forms have their offensive and defensive biological traits bestowed upon them by nature and humans (and humanoids) must use their minds to discipline their bodies for the sake of survival. Having no natural claws, fangs, speed, poison, or camouflage, humans must develop their body’s own natural physical attributes through discipline and practice.

Nature has given humans higher order thinking at the expense of more immediate physical survival tools and humans must use this thinking to develop their bodies and minds to the best of their abilities. To become a Martial Artist one has to have a Prowess of 11, Agility of 15, Intuition of11, and a Health of 11.